Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

My hair is wavy and a little thick. I like my hair straight and fine, like most Caucasians and Japanese. Not only how do I get this, but how do I maintain it all year round?

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

You can go to a professional hair salon and get it done there. However, since your hair is naturally wavy, your outgrowth will come out your natural texture so you may end up with part wavy and part straight ahir as your hair grows.

Or you can dry your hair straight every other day using a large boar brush, some good hair product that won't put too much damage to your hair but will straighten pretty well and add shine and decrease frizz, and a good hair dryer (ceramic ot tourmaline) and a flat plate ceramic iron. Reason I say do this to your hair every other day is because the heat drying does put stress on the hair follicles thus resulting in split ends. The only thing with this route is that your putting the effort into straightening your hair without too many added chemicals.


How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

Use a really strong gel like La Looks or whatever is good for you. Then when your hair dries up after the gel then put on some some hair spray. It'll be preety strong for the rest of the day and keep doing it

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

FX Straighten Out

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

you can always get it permanently straightened, like in the salons. go there and they would know what youre talking about.

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

a couple of answers there. sally beauty supply has a straightener called Quantum thermal straightener. it is a very good product that i use in my salon. not bad for your hair either. i used it on my daughter and she colors her hair, and cant stand it to be frizzy. take care of both.

15 yr stylist

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

Biosilk you can get it at a local beauty salon.

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

Use a hair straightener, something like a mini iron. They carry a reasonably priced one at Sally's. Women do this daily, or night before until they shampoo again. It stays straight until you shampoo.

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

Well my hair stays straight all the time.....considering the fact that it is extremely long....just wash it and flat iron it...but be sure u dont curl it to get the straight outcome....just flatiron it and wrap it.........i promise it will work

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

why don't you get a Caucasian or Japanese Perm

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

You know the curling iron that you use to curl your hair well get that and use that to straigten your hair. Most curling irons have a straighten part to it so press that agains your roots not on your scalp but by the wavy part of your hair where your hair starts to wave, and press that all the way down to the bottom of your hair (thats for the surface of your hair). The second part you divide your hair into sections and then use a flat iron and grab a section of your hair and straighten again until its really really straight and repeat that through out your whole head. You can also get this done professionally but its better to do by yourself because you know your head the best. This proceadure might take the whole day it did for me. I have really curly hair but i usuly just texturise it and put in a leave in conditioner so thats different. But if i were you I would leave my hair as it is and just add mosse to it it will give it that wet look it wont go all frizzy and it wont look thick.

Best of wishes, kesha

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

Girl, be proud of what you got!! I know lots of girls who would kill to have hair like yours. If you got it, Flaunt it. lolol. hugs girl. Good Luck.

How do I keep my hair pin straight all the time???

get it permed

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