Monday, July 27, 2009

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

Ok, my hair is middle length. Brownish-black. At the tip ot my hair it is always curled. Not that really beautiful professional kind of loooking curl. It's just a curl that curled that sticks to he outside( if you know what i mean, if you don't, don't worry. That's not the whole point of this question)

How do i make the tip of my hair straight like the upper part of my hair? My mum said natural hair is the prettiest and won't let me straight my tips or buy a straightener.

Any ideas how to straight my hair without a straightener? I really want ideas that only nee a few elastics and water and tuff like that( if there is any ideas like that) but any other ideas would be fine.


p.s please don't tell me my mum is right and i should just leave my hair natural! i won't it straight so please just give me ideas and not just llecture me ! PLEASE!

Mwa mwa. thanks.

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

awh your english i love the mum thing but anyways. i think a great way to get rid of the curl at the end is to maybe blow dry your hair strait. if thats not allowed either. then try braiding it when its wet so that part stays down and doesnt have the oppertunity to curl.

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

try blow drying it straight and hair spray.

or you could apply water and right before it drys curly hairspray it so it stays in a straight form.

or otherwise you could use gel.


Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!? can always try blowdrying your hair straight.

Will your mom let you use products?I guess not but a little mousse or something can really help.

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

I have the same problem, its sort of like a kink right at the bottom of my hair, although i straighten my hair , on days that i don't feel like it this is what i do...

I have this straightning balm that is heat activated supposed to be used by straightening with an iron BUT! i use a hair dryer for the heat and use a round brush to brush and dry the opposite way of the curl....

So yeah you could try a straightening balm.. any kind...

Herbal Essences, Alfredo, Sunsilk...

:) Hope this helps !

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

get a straight perm

Straight My Hair? easy 10 points!?

try using a straightening cream, like sunsilk. thats one way to make it a bit straighter without a straightening iron. use a de-frizzing lotion too, that always helps. but when you do use a straightening iron, take thin slices like less than a quarter inch thick and instead of straightening down towards your shoulders, straighten straight out away from your head. And add a few spritz of hair spray before using the iron, to help hold it.

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