Sunday, July 26, 2009

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

Im a guy and i have very wavy hair and i want to have straight hair since im letting it grow long. Please help me.

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

For now there's not much you can do except use a straightening syrum or a straightening iron - but it doesnt last forever. You have to do this almost daily.

Once it grows out - as I said before - the weight may keep it straight.

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

a straight perm, but you may look ridiculous

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

you have to get it chemically straightened at the salon. no, not too weird, boys are more lady-like these days than ever. also, a perm curls your hair, it doesn't straighten it lol xx

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

get a perm but DONT put the perm curlers in just comb it none stop untill its time to wash out then wash it off n it will be strait n stay strait for months

What can i do to straighten my hair so it will be permanently straight while its growing longer?

my advice is that if you want it straight: grow it longer, that way its natural as geting it done in a salon no matter how pro they are there is always a chance it will go spaz and u may end up elton john.

also when its long there is more weight of hair so it will just grow straight.

but if u seriously want it straight quicker then sure go 2 a salon

p.s tell me how it goes after..?

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